Booking Appointments
To make an appointment, it is best to call the practice on (03) 9888 3590 between the hours of 9am – 4:30PM Monday to Friday.
You must have a current referral to attend your appointment. GP referrals expire after 12 months from the referral date. Specialist referrals expire 3 months from the referral date. If you do not have a referral you will not be able to claim a rebate from Medicare.
Reception staff will assist with appointment availability and approximate fees. If you require an urgent appointment, it is best to ask your referring doctor to contact the practice directly.

Fees and Charges
At SCDS, our consultation appointments are processed via Medicare and surgical procedures are covered via Private Health. Out of pocket fees for consultations are set by the individual doctor. An exact fee cannot be quoted, as it is dependent on the services each patient receives from their doctor. Fees are based on a fair reflection of the following fee structures:
Australian Medical Association rates
Medicare schedule
Department of Veterans Affairs schedule and
Private Health Fund Agreements and
The expenses incurred in providing quality care and services to patients.
An estimate of current fees charged for first consultations and procedures can be obtained by contacting us on ph: 9888 3590. All fees must be paid on the day of service.